Statement from Kenan S. Baldridge

First, I would like to thank all the countless dedicated volunteers whose heroic efforts have made
this a real race – one not to be taken for granted and one that will be remembered for years to come.
This has been a long road to travel and one that has been enjoyable in many ways. I have been able
to meet many wonderful people and have appreciated all that you have done for me.

I want to thank all the people who selflessly worked on my behalf circulating petitions, attending
meetings, writing letters, sending money and generally sharing their lives with me in the hope that
we could make this district shake loose the control of Big Money in Albany.

I deeply regret that the numbers don’t seem to be going our way. Barring some unforeseen change,
I will not be your senator going to Albany next year. We must bow to reality and accept the
outcome of the election.

To be sure, this effort is not over. We will hold to account those who try to sell this district. I wish
Mrs. Helming well in her role as your senator. We will watch her progress carefully as we have not
given up the issues that have brought us this far. We will continue our efforts at the local level to
elect competent Democrats to office as we build a future in a two-party system.

Again, a heartfelt thank you to all.